Living Healthy & Free. Move, Nourish & Nurture. For students Year 8-10
$30 - exact price TBC as it is dependent on final numbers
SESSION OVERVIEW –Interactive Presentation 1 hour.
Given the prolific and confusing messages around what it means to be ‘healthy’ this session explores what healthy relationships with food and exercise actually are. It unpacks some of the key things that can influence our attitudes and behaviours; including advertising, celebrity endorsement and media (including social media). It also tackles the dieting mindset. Move, Nourish & Nurture are the concepts that are used to reinforce positive, helpful and balanced messaging. This session also provides basic information of what to do if a student is worried about a friend.
- Our mindset impacts self-esteem and body esteem. We have the power to manage our mindset.
- Healthy and fit bodies come in different shapes and sizes; you cannot always judge someone’s physical, spiritual and emotional health by their appearance (mainly weight)
- Our attitudes and beliefs about health are influenced by many things.
- Social media can motivate and inspire us but it can also trigger us and sabotage our body
and self-confidence.
- Diets do not work and are dangerous. Developing a positive relationship with food and exercise is
- Over exercising/over training
- We need to be kind to our bodies ‐ move, nourish & nurture for our wellbeing
- If you are worried about a friend, it is important to talk to a trusted
adult about them.
- Restrictive dieting
- Body dissatisfaction
- Internalisation of beauty ideals
- Healthy attitudes and relationships with food and exercise
- Peer and social support
- Involvement in sport or activity without appearance focus
- Critical processing of media/advertising image
- Problem solving and coping skills
Bookings: Contact the Brighton Dance Academy Office
at or 9530 6163
For more information please contact:
Helen Bird – Education Administration
T: 02 8456 3908